I am thrilled to allow more Deviance - Lucky Six!

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I hope you’ll do another post following up the question at the end! A great line to bring together the clear writing throughout.

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Coming into my body, sensing into whatever is arising, allowing accepting and giving a safe loving space for my own pain instead of projecting it out into my relationships. Then I am not experiencing the relationship thru' my filters. More and more space, inner and outer. And the pain of feeling separated from other , by the projection of thoughts , patterns and core beliefs just goes. I also see that I have created an unreal other.. This is an ongoing process, and full of freedom.

It has been a long journey for me, this avoidance of pain, often by distraction, which was a somewhat intelligent response to very early childhood trauma.

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LIFE- When we have discovered and accepted that some things are difficult and that’s part of life, then we might start to realize that life is a journey where all kinds of feelings are encountered.

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